NonStop Project – January 2024 (1)

Three people with a heart for people have just come from Austria to make a difference in Romania. They are also Romanians and they have not forgotten where they came from. They have not forgotten what they left behind when they decided to live in another country. With their motherland in mind, they filled the van with clothes, shoes, gifts for the children and other goods. Beforehand, they also sent us some money to buy food from the country and prepare it, evenly portioned, in bags.

We were happy to support and partner them in this work they do several times a year. We guided them through villages on snowy roads to needy people we knew, but we also knocked on new doors. We were joined by the police station of the village we visited, a policeman who gets involved in such work whenever he has the opportunity, whether in his spare time or on duty.

See the full gallery at this link.

Together we have managed to spread some hope in every heart of the people we have met and helped. And in addition to the food necessary for survival, each received a food necessary for the soul. They also received a Bible whose content can be consumed daily, and never ends.

Team Casa 2

Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Matthew 4:4

Thank you for your support!

May the Lord reward you for what you have done!