Together for those affected by floods

Last week we visited a town severely affected by floods. We witnessed a lot of suffering: people physically and mentally exhausted, sad and discouraged, and the list goes on. That is why we believe it is important to help such people.

Before we got there, we got in touch with a friend who coordinates several groups of volunteers who come from different parts of the country to support families in need. This time, we helped with the finishing work – tiling, faience, and more. We plan to return at the end of the month, bringing furniture, mattresses, beds, household items and food. If you’d like to join this project, please contact us by phone or donate on our page.

See the full gallery by clicking on this link.

Thank you to our friends who have supported us financially; thanks to them we have been able to provide support in this locality.

Team Casa 2

… God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:7

Thank you for your support!

May the Lord reward you for what you have done!