CASA 2 - Our Story

Read our story below

We want to share a little history about our activities prior to the CASA 2 story to help build trust between us and you, the people with a heart for people.

We were also volunteers, involved in various charitable actions carried out with various associations, churches, town halls or other institutions. Before we met, each of us was already involved in actions such as distributing food to needy families, helping people affected by natural disasters, providing the necessities for subsistence, integrating people into the workforce, helping disadvantaged children and many other such activities.

We all met in 2022 at an evangelical church that opened its doors to refugees from Ukraine, where we volunteered. Since then, we have continued to collaborate as volunteers and organizers, together with associations or churches, in various actions for children (e.g. giving Christmas presents to children and presenting the birth of Jesus through illustrations), for helping people during winter (by providing firewood and food), for international relief (Ukraine – from Odessa to Herson) and in many other charitable activities.

We were volunteers, and at some point, we started to organize from scratch many of these actions within the associations or churches with which we collaborated. We established connections with various partners and managed all the documentation and logistical aspects necessary to carry out charitable activities in Ukraine. Our experience in volunteering served as a school for the establishment of this association, and in the process, we had to learn valuable subjects such as:

The Reality on Our Watch


Business - Investing in the Future (Children)

Love without Discrimination

Nothing without God

Then came the common desire to set up our own NGO, in which to invest the experience we have gained over the years and, with God’s help, to achieve the proposed objectives in support of those in need, but mainly in support of disadvantaged children in Vaslui County, whom we want to support in long-term education. This gives us the opportunity to focus our attention on our main project, which has been dear to us for a long time – “The Children’s Campus, CASA 2”.

Our intention is to be transparent in our actions and on this journey we have chosen, we have set out to understand God’s will in our lives more deeply, to fulfil it and to be with our neighbour, to build relationships and friendships, to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. We want to get to know you and have you join us as partners in this mission, and for any form of involvement, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Thank you for your support!

May the Lord bless you for what you have done!