What does it mean to be a volunteer?

It means carrying out activities on your own initiative, dedicating part of your time and energy, and getting involved with your talent. All this to help people in need, without receiving a financial reward in return. Volunteering takes effort, but it is rewarding.

It’s also a great way to connect with diverse communities, understand their needs and how you can offer a helping hand. The benefits of volunteering also extend to the professional field, adding a valuable dimension to your CV and increasing your chances of employment.

Be a Volunteer

Support our actions by volunteering

By getting involved in volunteering, you can develop outstanding social and organisational skills. You also have the opportunity to get involved in the Fundraising department by organising events and fundraising campaigns to support activities for disadvantaged children.

We invite you to fill in the form below to tell us a few things about yourself so that we can get to know you better and find out why you want to become a volunteer.

    Thank you for your support!

    May the Lord reward you for what you have done!